“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine into trees.” John Muir
Hiking is like breathing here in Alaska. There are trails around every turn, ready to take you up into the hills, or down by the river. Past fields of fireweed or through blueberry bushes. Up mountains and down ski trails. Being able to see the wonders of the arctic up close and experience it’s beauty and gifts is one of my favorite things about living here, and being around so many like-minded people is a treat. For my first Wanderlust session Dori and I communed with mountains, climbing up to Wickersham Dome north of Fairbanks. Being able to capture her with her fur babies doing something they love was awesome enough, but then the sky graced us with some amazing clouds and light and the result was amazing. I’m so glad I could tell this story for Dori, and look forward to telling many more stories to come. If you’d like to book a Wanderlust session of your own email me at jax@jaxharmon.com!